Excessively Excessive or Simply Over-abundance?
This is how I function........one is never enough, because if I use it I won't have the possibilities and potentials of it anymore. Or, what if I don't get enough to finish a project? It seems, at the time, like it's much better to over-buy than run short. It's important to prepare for the possibility that I will be lacking in inspiration, but if I have an abundance of raw materials I can look and touch, and become inspired. The one thing wrong with this plan is that I've spent so much time trying to get inspired that I'm too tired to create anything. And I've usually made so much of a mess that there's no physical space to create!
My second "bedroom" has three walls lined with cabinet and bookcases, with shelving up to the ceiling. The fourth wall has my work table placed in front of six feet of windows. There is a center island made from industrial shelving and cubbies. I've spent much of my spare time during the past 6-9 months sorting through, and organizing, papers, fabrics, tools, paints, books, magazines, found objects, and supplies. The following photos show some of the fruits of my organizing and sorting.
I'm working on changing my ways............I've begun buying only what I will use immediately, rather than seeing something that I think will be really cool for "someday." I'm really working hard at making it ok to use a favorite fabric or piece of paper. After all, using something makes it possible to enjoy and appreciate the object it's become.
Because this is an important issue in my life, my guess is I will re-visit it from time to time. In the meantime, seeing something that I could "do something cool with someday" doesn't mean I have to pick it up, buy it, or stash it away........
Love it!!!
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